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"Sometimes you just have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down"

-Kobi Yamada

Los Angeles Area based mixed media artist, vintage artisan, and graphic designer, Brett Huskamp, has been honoring his skills in design for years.  While chasing his dreams as a retail entrepreneur, interior designer, and furniture designer/builder, Brett took his skill set to the next level by pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts and Graphic Design at Missouri Western State University in St. Joseph, Missouri. As artist and designer, Brett has a way of noticing the un-noticed and observing his surroundings from a unique perspective.  He sheds new light on objects and topics that are familiar and reminds us of others that may be forgotten. 


Brett is mostly inspired by antiquities, global traditions, nature, and architecture.  He recognizes the building blocks of design surrounding us in both our natural and man-made environments.  While most see flaking paint, rust, patina and erosion as deterioration, Brett sees beauty and appreciates the time taken to create such masterpieces.  In addition, he is moved by the importance of all types of tradition; embracing the colors, art, culture, diversity, and love.


Throughout his career, he has been awarded Entrepreneur of the Year and Business of the Year as recognition for his tireless efforts as the owner of a retail store in the main street city of Atchison, Kansas.  In addition, he was presented the University President's Award for his work and several scholarships for his efforts during his education at MWSU.  Serving on the Downtown Merchants Committee, supporting Atchison Art Association, and various other projects and committees during his time at Missouri Western State University.


Needing a designer for a project or to join your team?  Take a look at Brett's resume and learn more about his skills, knowledge, and experience.


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